Re: remove

Please remove

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter V. Mikhalenko" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: XForms processors generalized API

> Hello, members!
> There are some partial XForms WD implementations that can easily be found
> the net, but each of them is using its own API that is not compatible with
> each other. And at the moment many developers have to wait for the product
> that would implement standard in part they need and that would fit their
> needs.
> In the area of XML parsers, for example, this problem was solved by
> some kind of generalized API and after that each parser had to implement
> that interface (Java developers understand me - it is JAXP and other XML
> related APIs (JAXM etc.)). And if I want to change parser, I simply change
> the parser and do not need to change my written code.
> So what do you think, would it be good to create some kind of Java
> (for ex. JAFP)?
> __
> Peter V. Mikhalenko
> Lead Developer
> Sigent Interactive Agency

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2002 17:32:32 UTC