[www-forms] <none>


1. I can't make a 'caption' work with a different model than it's parent,
   i.e. defining @model and @ref inside the caption doesn't work with the specified model.
   Is there any limitaion here? (or it's an XSmiles 0.6 problem?)

2. How could I cause a repeat block to rebuild itself? i.e. to re-perform the @nodeset query.
    The change here depends not only on model change but also in query which is defined outside of the model.
    Anyway, I failed to do it with 'recalculate'.

Thanks a lot,

Amir Yiron - Software Engineer
StoreAge Networking Technologies
Tel:        (+972) - 4 - 8203454   Ext. 307
Fax:       (+972) - 4 - 8203464
E-mail:   ayiron@store-age.com
Web:      www.store-age.com

Received on Sunday, 28 July 2002 04:13:05 UTC