RE: wizards


Submitted xml:

		<color />
		<amount />

Model (I omit namespace prefixes):

	<model id="main">
				<color />
				<amount />
		<action ev:event="initializeDone">
			<setValue ref="/Wizard/page1/color" model="aux"
value="/order/color" />
			<setValue ref="/Wizard/page2/amount" model="aux"
value="/order/amount" />
		<bind ref="/order">
			<bind ref="color|amount" required="true" />
		<submitInfo id="submit" action="buy.asp" />

Auxiliary model
	<model id="aux">
					<color />
					<amount />
		<bind ref="/Wizard">
			<bind ref="page1" relevant="../currentPage = 1">
				<bind ref="color" required="true" />
			<bind ref="page2" relevant="../currentPage = 2">
				<bind ref="amount" required="true" />
		<submitInfo id="Finish">
			<action ev:event="submit">
				<setValue ref="/order/color" model="main"
value="/Wizard/page1/color" />
				<setValue ref="/order/amount" model="main"
value="/Wizard/page2/amount" />
				<submitInstance submitInfo="submit" />
		<submitInfo id="Next">
			<setValue ev:event="submit"
ref="/Wizard/currentPage" value=". + 1" />
		<submitInfo id="Back">
			<setValue ev:event="submit"
ref="/Wizard/currentPage" value=". - 1" />

Note: I couldn't have put the <setValue>s into the submitInfo in the "main"
model, because then I wouldn't have access to the data of the "aux" model.

The form:

	<group ref="/Wizard" model="aux">
		<group ref="page1">
			<input ref="color">
			<submit submitInfo="Next">
		<group ref="page2">
			<input ref="amount">
			<submit submitInfo="Back">
			<submit submitInfo="Finish">

Be aware that I didn't test nor reviewed the code, so that it contains bugs
and omissions. But I hope the idea is clear.

> Besides..what do you think about dynamic/computed expression in XForms
> Toggle to handle wizards?

I don't like the whole idea of toggles and switches - if you're asking me
what I think. (Toggles and switches are rother low-level operations - and
XForms is a rather high level (declarative) language.) But technically, this
could solve some issues.


Received on Friday, 26 July 2002 10:42:47 UTC