RE: "required" question

> From: Kia Dabirian 
> Let me try again. Hopefully this is more valid :).

Now, I understand your question.
> <!-- stuff -->
> <model xmlns="...Xforms" id="f1">
>   <instance xmlns="">
>     <data>
>       <!-- other stuff -->
>       <userdata>
>         <username/>
>         <password/>
>         <domain/>
>       </userdata>
>     <data/>
>   </instance>
>   <bind id="bindL" ref="//userdata" required="not(//userid)"/>
>   <bind id="bindL" ref="//username" required="true()"/>
>   <bind id="bindP" ref="//password" required="true()"/>
>   <bind id="bindD" ref="//domain"/>
>   <submitInfo action="doit.exe" method="post" id="s"/>
> </model>
> <!-- other stuff -->
> <group xmlns="...Xforms" id="l" bind="bindL">
>   <caption>User Login</caption>
>   <input id="u" bind="bindU">
>     <caption>username</caption>
>   </input>
>   <secret id="p" bind="bindP">
>     <caption>password</caption>
>   </secret>
>   <input id="d" bind="bindD">
>     <caption>domain</caption>
>   </input>
>   <submit submitInfo="s">
>     <caption>Login</caption>
>   </submit>
> </group>
> <!-- other stuff -->
> And if it is, will the resulting domain field be required? 

AFAIK, the answer is "Yes," because the instance data is structured in a
hierarchical manner to enforce that. The required constraint on userdata
applies to domain because domain is a child of userdata, and userid does
not exist. Most constraints, including required, do apply to children of
the selected instance data.   

> And If so, how do I make it not required?
> The question can be boiled down to:
>   Is a field "F" required when
>     Required(F) and 
>     Required(Parent(F)) and 
>     Required(Parent(Parent(F))) and
>     ...
>   or when
>     Required(F) or 
>     Required(Parent(F)) or
>     Required(Parent(Parent(F))) or
>     ...

If you do want to get into situations where things involve UI controls,
then take a look at binding attribute "6.1.4 relevant." There is a nice
table that describes how it interacts with the required constraint and
UI. Where the spec says "Applies to children: Yes," it means children of
the bound instance data, not children of UI container elements such as
group. In particular, notice the combination required=true() and
relevant=false(). If model item is not currently relevant, then the
model item constraint required does not apply.

So, change the first bind to:

<bind id="bindL" ref="//userdata" relevant="not(//userid)"/>

Now, domain is not required beause userdata is not required. But since
userdata is relevant, the "User Login" group becomes active and username
and password are required. 


Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 10:45:15 UTC