Re: XForms vs XUL

At 11:23 AM 11/5/01 -0800, you wrote:

>XForms takes this front-on by creating an application model,
>a binding and a user interface mechanism, where the UI is
>"bound" t the application model via the binding mechanism.
>XUL is a fine XML based language --but its goal is to create
>UI widgetry --and UI widgets alone do not an application make.

Thanks very much for responding to my question.

Would it be fair to say then that XForms, at this stage, is only
for data entry and display, whereas XUL provides data widgets,
as well as the standard range of toolbars and menu objects.

Granted that the forms controls in XUL may not be as elegant
as with XForms, but XUL does provide an application binding
mechanism via XBL -

 From a developers point of view, it's hard for me to see what
extra value XForms brings to the dance, compared with XUL.
I'm certainly not trying to disparage the excellent work being
done by the XForms Working Group. It's just that to someone
from the 'show me' school, XForms seems to have only the
very narrow capabilities of data entry and display, compared
to the full XML-GUI approach of XUL.


Received on Monday, 5 November 2001 20:30:22 UTC