Re: One more possible hole in UI?

"T. V. Raman" wrote:
> the two choices I am presently considering are:
> 1) Have a <password>...</password>
> element analogous to textbox
> 2) (preference as of last two days)
> <textbox echo="*">...</textbox>
> (default value of echo echoes chars as you type --echo ="*"
> displays '*' echo ="#" displays '#'
> Since you say you're implementing this, what would your
> preference be?

It's alot easier to map a <xform:password>...</xform:password> to an
<input type="password"/>.  The other requires a more complicated
aproach that not all browsers would support (combining javascript and
CSS).  In fact, if the second approach were adopted--the only way
to be sure that the characters aren't rendered is to test for the
"echo" attribute and convert to the <input type="password"/>.

That last approach (for converting XForms to XHTML) is limited in
functionality because no matter what is specified in "echo", the
asterisk will be displayed.  Anything else will require a full
plugin support for browsers, or worse applet support.

Received on Friday, 23 March 2001 16:14:38 UTC