
Overall, I want to say that this iteration is even better.
I like the additional UI elements, and the offering
of representations of what the UI elements could or should
look like.

However, it does not address using XForms exclusively.  For
instance, the XForms UI *must* be embedded in another type
of markup altogether.  Embedding the UI in XHTML is nobel,
and necessary--but for XForms to be mature, it also needs
to be able to stand alone.  I would like to be able to use
a layout manager to handle placement of the UI elements on
the screen--and not bother with XHTML altogether for some
instances.  An example would be using XForms UI to create
a Java Swing dialog box according to Sun's Layout guidelines.
Clearly, XHTML does not apply in this situation.

I don't necessarily want to see horizontal rules or other
things like that in the spec, just simple groupings of
UI elements that is separate and distinct from XHTML.

Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 09:35:10 UTC