- From: Micah Dubinko <MDubinko@cardiff.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 00:06:16 -0700
- To: "'www-forms@w3.org'" <www-forms@w3.org>
- Cc: "'julian.reschke@gmx.de'" <julian.reschke@gmx.de>
Greetings, A namespace problem was called to my attention in the recently published XForms document. It shows up in chapter 2, and perhaps other places as well. In section 2.4, we attempted to show realism by declaring the instance data as part of a namespace, with the following declaration: xmlns="http://commerce.example.com/payment" For the rest of the chapter to be correct, this should be xmlns="" which has the effect of 'turning off' the default namespace within the scope of the provided initial instance data, thus leaving the elements as namespace unqualified. I apologize for any confusion this might have caused. This will be fixed for the next Working Draft. Note that our general approach is subject to change, so there's no guarantee that this is how things will be in the final Recommendation. Feedback is welcome! Thanks, Micah Dubinko Co-editor, XForms P.S. What if you really want namespaces in the instance data? To have namespace qualified instance data you can either 1) declare a namespace prefix on the containing document and use it consistently. E.g.. <html xmlns="..htmlns.." xmlns:xform="..xformsns.." xmlns:foo="..your ns.."> ... <xform:instance> <foo:payment> <foo:cc> ... The elements with binding expressions would then look like: <xform:selectOne ref="foo:payment/@type"> ... <xform:inputText ref="foo:payment/foo:cc"> ... <xform:inputText ref="foo:payment/foo:exp"> 2) If you want to use default namespaces for readability, these are allowed anywhere, of course, including in the instance data. Even with defaults, however, there still needs to be a non-default prefix in scope where the binding expressions are given: <html xmlns="..htmlns.."> <xform xmlns="..xformsns.."> <instance> <payment xmlns="..your ns.."> <cc> ... The elements with binding expressions would then look like: <... xmlns="..xformsns.." xmlns:foo="..your ns.."> <selectOne ref="foo:payment/@type"> ... <inputText ref="foo:payment/foo:cc"> ... <inputText ref="foo:payment/foo:exp">
Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 03:12:08 UTC