<group> and the navigation sequence algorithm

the idea of navindex was to allow the author to override
default document order and provide explicit navigation order
for special cases.
This said, your question is still a good one.
>>>>> "Nolan," == Nolan, Laura <Laura_Nolan@hplb.hpl.hp.com> writes:

    Nolan,> Hello,

    Nolan,> Section 8.4 of the WD states that navindex is
    Nolan,> used to order navigation sequence within a
    Nolan,> group; whereas section 11.4.3 states that
    Nolan,> navigation is determined on a document wide
    Nolan,> basis solely according to a total ordering of
    Nolan,> form controls.  I'm having trouble reconciling
    Nolan,> these two statements.

    Nolan,> It doesn't seem logical to split the form
    Nolan,> controls in a <group> up - so the navigation
    Nolan,> sequence of 11.4.3 could work inside a
    Nolan,> <group>. But if a nested <group> appears inside
    Nolan,> that <group>, where do its controls appear
    Nolan,> relative to those of the parent <group>? In this
    Nolan,> example, if you used the 11.4.3.  algorith,
    Nolan,> you'd split up the inner group.

    Nolan,> <group> <textbox ref="..." navindex="1">
    Nolan,> <caption>Input 1: </caption> </textbox> <textbox
    Nolan,> ref="..." navindex="3"> <caption>Input 2:
    Nolan,> </caption> </textbox>

    Nolan,> 	<group> <textbox ref="..." navindex="4">
    Nolan,> <caption>Input 3: </caption> </textbox> <textbox
    Nolan,> ref="..." navindex="2"> <caption>Input 4:
    Nolan,> </caption> </textbox> <group> <group>

    Nolan,> Would it make sense for <group> to have a
    Nolan,> navindex attribute too? If a document contains
    Nolan,> several different groups at the top level, all
    Nolan,> with a variety of navindex values, in what order
    Nolan,> should the groups appear?

    Nolan,> <group> <textbox ref="..." navindex="1">
    Nolan,> <caption>Input 1: </caption> </textbox> <textbox
    Nolan,> ref="..." navindex="4"> <caption>Input 2:
    Nolan,> </caption> </textbox> <group> <group> <textbox
    Nolan,> ref="..." navindex="2"> <caption>Input 3:
    Nolan,> </caption> </textbox> <textbox ref="..."
    Nolan,> navindex="3"> <caption>Input 4: </caption>
    Nolan,> </textbox> <group>

    Nolan,> Thanks, Laura Nolan

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Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 13:32:17 UTC