XForms WD 20010608 - inconsistencies in <caption> and <help> elements

I have stumbled across another seeming inconsistency in the June 2001 XForms 
Working Draft.

In the example in Chapter 7.2 the <caption> element is a single word label. 
In that example the <help> element is a sentence of suggested helpful 

However, in the example in Chapter 7.3 the <caption> element is used in the 
way that the <help> element was used in the example in 7.3.

If the <caption> and <help> elements have clearly distinct functions then it 
would help readers if the examples reflected that.

However, I wonder if there is duplication among the functionality of the <
caption>, <help> and <hint> elements. Are all three really needed? In 7.2 the 
<help> element seems to be used to give a hint. In 7.3 it is the <caption> 
element which gives the hint.

It seems that there is scope for clarification and rationalisation here.

Andrew Watt

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 10:39:33 UTC