- From: Michael Ramirez <MichaelR@Aptimus.com>
- Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:17:46 -0700
- To: www-forms@w3.org
Hello -- I've been working with forms and XML for some time now with www.aptimus.com and came across the working draft of XForms. I've run into a few problem areas and it looks like XForms is addressing these issues. I wanted to find out if this is true and how these issues are being addressed. The basic structure of the part of the DTD I've been using has been this: <!ELEMENT QUESTION_LIST (FIELD+)> <!ELEMENT FIELD (OPTION*)> <!ATTLIST FIELD LABEL CDATA #REQUIRED FIELDORDER CDATA #IMPLIED REQUIRED CDATA #REQUIRED PARAMETERNAME CDATA #REQUIRED PARAMETERVALUE CDATA #IMPLIED SIZE CDATA #IMPLIED MAXLENGTH CDATA #IMPLIED TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT OPTION (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST OPTION SELECTED CDATA #REQUIRED LABEL CDATA #IMPLIED PARAMETERVALUE CDATA #IMPLIED TYPE CDATA #REQUIRED OPTIONORDER CDATA #IMPLIED > You'll notice I haven't separated out some of the "presentation" from the data. The "presentation" info is just another piece of data being dynamically populated in the XML tree using Java code, and though the "how" of the presentation is for the most part taken care of by the XSL Transformations, there are some details that can't be left out of the XML. Now, the issues I've run into all have to do with grouping in some form or another, whether it be for display purposes or validation: * Validation -- for the most part, by this I mean front end validation using a client-side script. Consider form fields for credit card info. Two fields might be credit card TYPE and credit card NUMBER. The NUMBER may be correct by itself, but not if the TYPE is invalid, or vice versa. I'm envisioning a method where the XML would be able to indicated to the XSL what kind of validation script is needed. A more complicated scenario might arise as well, where any number of fields might be interconnected in the validation process, each relying on the other. In some way, those form fields need to "know" about each other in the XML so that when the page is transformed, the script can handle the validation. * Display -- in a simple case scenario where the display of form fields is always the same, the display and grouping of form fields might not be an issue. In my case, I need the form field presentation to be entirely dynamic, based on criteria from clients or users, and it seemed the best way to handle this would be to populate the XML with "presentation" data. I have some ideas about how to handle this, but I'm still looking for suggestions. A simple example would be a group of checkboxes. Should they be displayed horizontally or vertically, how many checkboxes should be displayed in each column or row, etc. To make this a more dramatic example, imagine there are three groups of checkboxes which all fall into a larger group. For instance, there might be a question like: What kind of magazines do you like? Then, there might be three groups of checkboxes, one for Sports-related magazines, one for Literature-related magazines, and one for Gardening. Then the problem compounds itself because not only would we need to know how to display the groups individually, but also as part of a whole. So, I was wondering if these are some types of issues XForms aims to solve, and if so, how? If there are other standards I need to look at, would someone direct me in the right place? Any other suggestions would be welcome as well! Much thanks, Michael Ramirez Michael Ramirez Software Engineer Aptimus, Inc. Ph. (206) 441-9100 ext. 252
Received on Thursday, 9 August 2001 07:10:08 UTC