HELP - The XForms draft and the XForms schema problem

Hello !
I´m a student of DI-FCT-UNL (Department of Informatics - Faculty of 
Sciences  and Technology, New University of Lisbon, and i´m  working on a project with Prof. 
João Moura Pires, which involves forms.  Currently i´m studying the 
possibility to use XForms but i came across several  problems. I 
hope someone can help.

According to the draft i can do something like this (on 

<array name="arr1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">  
	<group name="g">  
		<string name="a"/>  
		<string name="b"/>  
		<string name="c"/>  
		<string name="d"/>  

but when trying to use the XML Schema (Appendix A) of the 
XForms draft to  
validate a document, i cannot. 

i found a couple of things more like not being able to do this 

<string name="some_string" enum="open"> 
	<value>blabla 1</value>  
	<value>blabla 2</value> 
	<value>some stuff</value> 
	<value>etc ..</value> 

is the Schema in the draft not according or am i misunderstanding 
something ? 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

Rui Pedro Leal.

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Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 19:34:16 UTC