XForms-processor as applet

Unfortunatly this discussion becomes a bit diverse, so here's my

I think one drawback of XForms could be missing / late / inaccurate
support by the browser vendors. So did someone ever think about
implementing XForms as an applet that runs in every HTML4-browser? This
applet could retrieve all necessary data (dtd or xml schema + form-data
+ xforms-definition) via http and then render (possibly browserspecific)
html4 using xsl.

I've worked out some ideas about this approach because I also believe
that the request-response principle does not suite well for editing
forms. For instance, if you want to implement flexible editing of a
database table, the underlying data should be gradually transported over
the web: first the browser downloads all initially visible data (plus a
few extra) and requests the remaining as the user scrolls down. All as
XML, of course. 

=> the model- and instance data should be allowed to be declared by url
=> large amounts of instance data should be retrieved gradually
=> the html4 should be generated in respect of the xml-schema or dtd
=> html4-generation should be customizable via different xsl-stylesheets

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2000 10:40:32 UTC