Re: [LC] 8.3.2 The mediatype Element (PR#73)

Hi Steven,

As you know from the face to face meeting, the working group accepted a modified
form of this comment.

To simplify authoring of the mediatype child of output, a value attribute has
been added.  This helps address the mismatch you felt was problematic between
using mediatype/@ref in upload vs. in output.

However, the ref attribute was retained as an alternative because when upload
and output are being used together, they both will have a mediatype element with
a ref that indicates the same node.

The results of the change are now available in the editor's draft available from
the working group web site.

Best regards,
John Boyer

> We now have
>     <output ref="piccy" mediatype="image/png">
> and
>     <output ref="piccy"><mediatype ref="../type"/></output>
> It would be better if it used @value instead of @ref, since then you
> could write:
>     <output ref="data"><mediatype value="concat('image/', type)"/></output>
> Even better, since the attribute is completely new, is to do away with
> the mediatype element altogether:
>     <output ref="data" mediatype="../type"/>
> (which would require
>     <output ref="data" mediatype="'image/png'">
> for the literal case.)
> The way that mediatype@ref has two different purposes depending on its
> parent element is nasty.

Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 05:08:37 UTC