Re: [css3-fonts] CSS3 font-weight, OFF OS2.usWeightClass, and weights which are not a multiple of 100.

On 2/14/2011 11:36 PM, John Daggett wrote:
> For fonts loaded via @font-face rules, authors define what
> weight/width values are assigned to individual faces, there's no
> reference to any weight/width data in the font itself, only what
> is defined in the @font-face rules.  So unless an author is using
> more than 9 weights simultaneously, that's not much of a
> limitation currently.

Except that the whole point of having font description matching is to 
support fallback, and that you may then have to fallback on a font that 
is not described by an @font-face rule. This implies that This implies a 
broad agreement on the meaning of the font description.


Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 19:06:26 UTC