Re: [css3-font] Extension of font-stretch property

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Ambrose LI <> wrote:

> The reality for the vast majority of users—the reality we should be
> considering for the web—is that we have one weight for sans, one
> weight for serif, no width variations, and very possibly not even a
> true italic (which, even if it exists, would not be picked up by the
> system because of what people think italics are).

To me, this suggests that for CJK fonts "the reality for the web" is
restricted to the fonts currently bundled with operating systems, today.

When I consider the ever-increasing attention paid to China by everyone
including OS vendors, plus @font-face, Google Font Directory, and emerging
technologies for streaming CJK fonts to devices (such as whatever it is
Monotype is now doing in this regard), I don't expect the CJK-web-font
status quo to remain unchanged for very long.


“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone,
 somewhere, may be happy.”
 —H.L. Mencken

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 06:33:32 UTC