Re: Explicit WOFF metadata format declaration?

On 18 Nov 2010, at 15:36, Laurence Penney wrote:

> Is there any merit in the idea of a 'format' attribute in the root <metadata> element?
> I ask because it seems likely that WOFF XML metadata will find itself sometimes separated from the WOFF files for which it is intended. For example, XML may be exported from an editor before being imported into a WOFF font via sfnt2woff; or font vendors may use an XML template file, which has some of its contents replaced programmatically before being embedded into a WOFF. In such cases it  seems beneficial to identify the XML, unambiguously, as WOFF metadata. The generic <metadata> tag is insufficient for this.
> If this proposal is attractive, I propose the standard value "font/woff" for the format attribute. It would be a MAY not a MUST in the spec, of course.

Alternatively, how about suggesting the inclusion of a <!DOCTYPE ...> declaration, referencing a public (w3c-hosted) DTD?


Received on Thursday, 18 November 2010 15:51:31 UTC