Re: Including WOFF in ACID3

Also sprach Sylvain Galineau:

 > The current test loads this font as a raw TTF only. It would seem
 > appropriate for the test to be updated with a WOFF version of the
 > test font i.e. instead of just:
 > 	@font-face { font-family: "AcidAhemTest"; src: url(font.ttf); }
 > ...the test rule would be:
 > 	@font-face { font-family: "AcidAhemTest"; src: url(font.woff), url(font.ttf); }

I don't support this change. I think there's a value to keeping things
stable. Errors should be corrected, but -- in general, unless there
are obvious reasons -- I don't think features should be added or

Aslo, by making the proposed change, it becomes possible to pass Acid3
without supporting ttf. We could end up in a situation where browser x
support ttf only and browser y support woff only, but both of them
pass Acid3. As a result, interoperability would suffer.

I'm happy to add WOFF to a future Acid test, though.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 18:00:21 UTC