RE: Next step?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Chris Lilley <>:

>The conformance document would be brief, would reference the font formats
in existing use (OpenType, >WOFF, SVG, and EOTLite) and the font referencing
and linking specifications (in both CSS and XML >serialisations) and require
implementation of at least one linking mechanism and at least two >formats,
for compliance.

I'm confused about what font formats are on the menu. Does this mean the
formats are:
1) OpenType
3) SVG
4) EOTLite (CWT)

And implementors can pick two out of those four? (Listing SVG as one of the
*choices* is what's giving me pause, here.)
And, I am assuming that "OpenType" is being used a general term covering the
different flavors - with TrueType and CFF not being distinguished and
therefore, in effect, sub-choices at the discretion of the implementor?



Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 16:55:31 UTC