Re[2]: SVG fonts embeddable in XHTML-documents?

On Tuesday, 12 March, 2002, 03:45:56, Martin wrote:

MD> Hello Jochen,

MD> One attribute of good technology, and good standards, is that
MD> you can combine them freely. 'myfont.svg#Font2' is how you
MD> reference SVG fonts. The only missing link seems to be the
MD> 'format' string. 'svg' seems like an obvious choice, but
MD> isn't standardized.

The strings are hints, not an exclusive set. They merely allow an
implementation to decide not to download particular fonts, if it would
be unable to use the format. The trouble is, there are no font/* MIME
types and its a lot of trouble to get a new tree.

MD> I guess it should turn up in CSS3.

I think that to be highly likely.


Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 10:26:45 UTC