Re: Small versus Large Fonts

Also try news:comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets

F. Havas
Dallas, Texas

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Boumphrey <>
To: Jason Gallagher <ICGALLAG@SMSD.ORG>; <>
Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Small versus Large Fonts

:I didn't even know that I was on this list!
:The simple answer is to use style sheets and important! to specify the
:For more detailed and specific answers you may have better luck posting
:message to a list of web designers such as HWG-techniques. Go to
:to find out how to get on this list.
:Frank Boumphrey
:XML and style sheet info at Http://
:Author: - Professional Style Sheets for HTML and XML
:CoAuthor:  XML applications from Wrox Press,
:Author: Using XML on the Web (Aug)
:----- Original Message -----
:From: Jason Gallagher <ICGALLAG@SMSD.ORG>
:To: <>
:Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 1:30 PM
:Subject: Small versus Large Fonts
:> Hello,
:>    I do not know if anyone is on this list but if there is anyone, I have
:a major problem.  This is one maybe some of you have come across, but one I
:can't seem to find the correct answer for anywhere on the net.  I'm trying
:to design a template to be used on an intranet site.  I use some text and a
:couple of dropboxes in my table.  I make the dropboxes a smaller font size,
:as well as the text.  Basically with the font sizes I have now, everything
:looks fine and dandy on my computer.  I and a majority of the people use
:small fonts.  My supervisor and a couple of others use Large Fonts...  I've
:tried relative sizing and stuff, to try and get things to line up correctly
:on both our screens.  Nothing seems to be able to make everything align and
:look correct.  I shouldn't say nothing, I just haven't found the right
:answer.  Does anyone know the solution?  Also, is there anyone that you
:detect if a user is using small or large fonts, through javascript or a
:scipting language?
:> ...Jason

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 1999 15:16:35 UTC