Re: IE4 font security flaw (fwd)

Once upon a time Jonathan Hoefler shaped the electrons to say...
>And what about users who convert typefaces from PostScript to TrueType -- 
>often within the bounds of their end-user license agreements -- but don't 
>have the tools to set the embedding bit at all?

Is this MS's fault?  No.  IE should not be treated any differently than
anny other application.  If they are allowed to converted from PostScript
to TrueType and are not required to set the embedding bit.  AND their
license allows them to distribute the font online.  Then that's too bad -
that means the licensing agreement is too loose and the foundaries should
tighten them up to work in the real world.  Is it the applications
fault that a chain of loopholes makes it possible?  No.

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Received on Saturday, 25 October 1997 04:08:34 UTC