- From: Simon Daniels <simonda@microsoft.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 08:29:43 -0700
- To: "'jonathan@cableol.net'" <jonathan@cableol.net>, sylvie@e-signature.com, Steven Pemberton <Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl>
- Cc: www-font@w3.org
Double clicking (opening) a font on Windows 95 displays a sample of the font. This is a standard feature of Windows. I Think Steven is thinking of our font properties extension, which provides additional information about TrueType fonts when you right-click on them and select 'properties'. It can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ . If you have Word you can run a macro (documented somewhere under http://www.microsoft.com/kb/ - search for something like 'word macro available fonts') which will create a document containing samples of all your installed fonts. Si > > I picked up a free Windows 95 extension from the Microsoft site that > > lets you double click a font file, and get all the properties of the > > font including previews at several sizes. > > > > I don't remember for sure what it was called, but I think > > property.exe. I picked it up at the same time I got the font > smoothing > > stuff, so I guess it's somewhere around there. > > > > Steven Pemberton >
Received on Wednesday, 30 July 1997 11:31:31 UTC