Re: Whatever happened to w3 fonts?

I think what happened to w3 fonts is that Netscape gave up waiting and
licenced Bitstream TrueDoc and that's the end of OpenType.
Microsoft will clearly have to use TrueDoc if they are not to fall
behind again, and why would they then use two technologies?

On the other hand, Netscape has also licensed the TT and T1 rendererd from
Bitstream, so if OpenType happens, they'll presumably be able to support it.

I hope we don't get OpenType, since it seems to be a recipe for unlimited
font piracy hiding behind Microsoft's meaningless platitudes about the
OS/2 embedding bits and signatures, which will be ignored by all existing
software and hence irrelevant -- except as a reason for not moving to
Windows 97 perhaps :-)

On the other hand, if someone can prove me wrong...


Liam Quin,         | lq-text freely available Unix text retrieval
Senior Technical Consultant   | FAQs: Metafont fonts, OPEN LOOK UI, OpenWindows
SoftQuad Inc. +1 416 544-9000 | xfonttool (Unix xfontsel in XView)      | the barefoot programmer

Received on Monday, 17 February 1997 14:14:40 UTC