Re: What the hell is going on here?

Vivek Bhaskar writes:

 > Someone (or thing) subscribed me to this list.  I did not receive the
 > FAQ or whatever on this list, but instead began receiving random
 > messages.  I don't really mind being on the list as interesting
 > discussions do take place here, but is always nice to know how one came
 > to be on a particular list...

My guess is that you are subscribed to which is a
mail exploder inside netscape. You are not on's
distribution list. Please contact your system adminstrator to be
removed from you internal list.

I'm getting slightly annoyed by people complaining in public about
this list. Please consider [1] before sending a message not relevant
to fonts.




H   �   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e   W o r l d   Wide  W e b  Consortium
inria ���#�� FRANCE

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 1996 19:24:54 UTC