Re: Adobe-Apple-Netscape .. writes:

 > Hakon, I 
 > would like to have a BOF meeting at the Paris conference in May regarding 
 > transport of fonts, how they are referenced, imaged, and printed. I willing to 
 > set up the meeting an work on this. Could you indicate how to proceed?

Sorry for the late reply. I'm in charge of Developer's day and have
planned a session on Graphics/Fonts. Chris Lilley will be organizing
it. With the recent interest in Web Fonts, perhaps we should dedicate
a session to fonts alone? What do you think, Chris?

Developer's day is on May 10th, so a BOF a day or two before could
also be interesting. will take suggestions for



Hakon W Lie, W3C/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France

Received on Saturday, 9 March 1996 19:09:10 UTC