Re[2]: Why TrueDoc?

     To clear up any mis-information associated with Bitstream stance on 
     font transport technology we wish to clarify:
     Intellectual property rights have to be protected on the internet. 
     Bitstream TrueDoc technology is the ONLY font technology that protects 
     those rights while expressing the image that the fonts were intended 
     to produce. We have the support of many font designers expressing 
     their support for TrueDoc. TrueDoc has been also accepted as a 
     standard font fidelity process for Portable Docs such as ENVOY and 
     HUMMINGBIRD software. Hint especially fall under copyright law as 
     ruled by the Adobe & Bitstream litigation brought against SWFTE. Any 
     technology for the internet that does not consider the intellectual 
     property rights of designers is not a viable solution. Further more it 
     places OEMs and ISVs in jeopardy.
     As far as quality, TrueDoc provides indistinguishable quality or 
     better in the case of poorly designed fonts. Also it provides anti 
     aliasing for all devices.   Glen Rippel 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Why TrueDoc?
Author: at huxleypo
Date:    3/30/96 5:50 PM

     As a font and font technology vendor, AGFA supports embedding and 
     subsetting of fonts in Web documents for viewing/printing 
     purposes.  We feel that our intellectual property rights are 
     adequately protected under current embedding schemes.  It should 
     be the font vendors' decision whether or not a font is embeddable 
     in a Web page.  TrueDoc does not give the type designer this 
     option.  With TrueDoc, the font design is "embedded" whether or 
     not the font developer has given permission.  In addition, this 
     new version of the font no longer contains the original type 
     designer produced scaling instructions, but rather, TrueDoc hints 
     generated by automated algorithms.  The screen quality of the 
     font will suffer.
     Chuck Rowe
     New Media Design Support
     Agfa Division, Bayer Corp.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Why TrueDoc?
Author: at Internet 
Date:    3/29/96 5:55 PM
     Bitstream is committed to honoring all legitimate rights of type 
     designers and foundries throughout the world. The following influenced 
     the rock solid design of TrueDoc and positions it as the premier font 
     technology choice for internet developers.
     Bitstream and Adobe were the key players in persuading the US 
     copyright office in 1991 to change its position from one in which 
     fonts had no protection into the current position in which font 
     programs enjoy the same protection as any other software programs.
     Bitstream and Adobe led the lawsuit against Swfte for copyright 
     infringement of their font software programs. As part of the 
     settlement, Swfte acknowledged its acceptance and agreement with the 
     U.S. Copyright Office rulings permitting the registration of copyright 
     in certain programs used in the generation of digitized 
     representations of typeface designs in the same manner as other 
     Bitstream has designed TrueDoc to provide publishers with identical 
     font capabilities when publishing electronic documents that they have 
     always enjoyed when publishing documents on paper. This makes fonts 
     just as useful in the emerging "distribute-and-print" world as they 
     were in the old "print-and-distribute" one and hence creates new 
     opportunities for font vendors.
     TrueDoc accomplishes this without embedding fonts, or subsets of 
     fonts, into electronic documents. It doesn't even access the original 
     font files themselves. Instead, TrueDoc captures the character shapes 
     that result from executing the fonts -- just like what happens when 
     printing the document on paper. Storing these compressed character 
     shapes with an electronic document guarantees that it can be viewed or 
     printed on any platform, anywhere in the world. If the original fonts 
     happen to be available at the viewing/printing end, they are of course 
     used. If not, the character shapes stored in the document by TrueDoc 
     provide a high fidelity alternative. All of this is accomplished 
     without risk to the font designer's intellectual property -- which 
     never leaves the point where it was legitimately installed.
     Because the TrueDoc approach is the electronic equivalent of printing 
     first and distributing second, it automatically gives publishers of 
     electronic documents the same rights and responsibilities in the use 
     of fonts as if they were distributing paper documents.
     Bitstream is alarmed, therefore, at the prospect of the wholesale 
     embedding of fonts into portable documents, with or without the 
     owner's permission, that seems to be implied by recent web font 

Received on Thursday, 4 April 1996 18:54:36 UTC