Re: Simple help

Usually www4mail includes a MIME description that tells you the type of
the file, it could say something like "Exported SGML Document" or "ZIP

Such lines are there to give you hints about the type of file that is

Well, as far as I know the asp (Active Server Page) is Microsoft/Windows 
own way of doing dynamic html pages. The web server created the HTML page
automatically. Usually you can rename the file to .htm and try to view
with a WEB Browser.

As for the second extension, the .001 tells me that it was a split file,
it is probably not a text file and you need to combine all parts together
to get the original file.
For more details send a mail to the www4mail server and in the body of the
mail place the following lines:
help mime
help split

Clement Onime

On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, [iso-8859-1]
Alexis Millán wrote:

> Sirs, sometimes I received from www4mail files with format *.asp and I 
> wpuld like to know how to poen them. Also I received files with format
> as shown: sskkskk_pl4.001 and I want to know if I should decode them,
> hope to hear from you soon,
> Alexis

Received on Saturday, 21 August 1999 02:43:48 UTC