Re: RfC: LCWD of W3C DOM4; deadline July 31

IETF documents are well accepted, and have a known IPR policy. WHATWG
documents are neither. One should anticipate objections at the PR
transition if a normative reference to a WHATWG remains in a document.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2014, at 9:26, "Glenn Adams" <> wrote:
>    1. The language "nuked from orbit soon" and "will be nuked" needs to
>    be rewritten. This level of informality is inappropriate for a W3C REC
>    track document. Better to say "expect to be deprecated" or similar.
>    2. It is annoying that a search for "Warning!" in the document fails
>    (at least on Chrome and Firefox) because it is injected from a content
>    style property.
>    3. There remains a normative reference to the WHATWG "URL"
>    specification, which needs to be resolved before moving to REC. It would be
>    well advised to describe the expected process for doing this in the SoTD
>    section.
>  My understanding is that normative references to WHATWG or IETF documents
> are fine in RECs, according to Tantek at least.
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Arthur Barstow <>
> wrote:
>> The HTMLWG asked WebApps to review the July 10 LCWD of W3C DOM4:
>>   <>
>> This LC addresses eight [Bugs] in the May [CR]. A diff between the CR and
>> LC is available at [Diff].
>> Individual WG members are encouraged to provide individual feedback.
>> If anyone in WebApps wants to propose an official group response, please
>> do so ASAP, in reply to this e-mail so the group can discuss it.
>> Comments should be sent to www-dom @ by July 31. Presumably, the
>> group also welcomes data about "silent reviews", f.ex. "I reviewed section
>> N.N and have no comments".
>> -Thanks, AB
>> [CR] <>
>> [Bugs] <
>> UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_
>> status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&
>> bug_status=CLOSED&component=DOM4&list_id=40501&product=
>> HTML%20WG&query_format=advanced>
>> [Diff] <

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 16:31:53 UTC