Re: DOM: innerSmartHTML proposal


What is the use case that motivates this change?
Is there a particular example that would significantly benefit from this 

Le 01/07/2014 21:59, Sander Spies a écrit :
> The idea is to create a property, which I will call 'innerSmartHTML' 
> for now, that shares some characteristics with innerHTML, but with 
> some differences:
>   * Only change what has really changed (like the ReactJS virtual DOM
>     does)
>     ---
>     So if I have node.innerHTML = "<div><b class="x">something</b></div>";
>           and after that say node.innerSmartHTML = "<div><b class="x 
> y">something</b></div>"
>           Only the class of b should have been modified, instead of 
> recreating everything as innerHTML does. Of course, adding and 
> removing nodes should also be supported.
What is the "smart" diffing algorithm? It's important that you take the 
time to explain it, otherwise, I don't think browser vendors will be 
convinced to implement it.

React Tree diffing algorithm [1] has a worst case complexity of O(n³) 
(with trade-offs explained at the end to justify a pragmatic choice as 
far as developers are concerned). Browsers implementors are already 
extremely reluctant to implement any O(n²) algorithm, if you're 
proposing something equivalent to React, I don't think this is going to fly.

I'm also not entirely convinced the performance will actually be that 
much better.

>   * perform rendering during requestAnimationFrame
>     ---
>     aggregate all changes to perform them at once, instead of
>     immediately. I understand this will be challenging to do with the
>     current DOM methods in place, but I'm hopeful we can find
>     something that works within the current boundaries of the DOM.
I'm afraid you're going to have to give something more concrete than 
"I'm hopeful we can find something that works".
This is a topic that is in implementors mind for some time. They are 
hopeful that something that works can be found too, I hear. But given 
the amount of smart folks thinking of this, I'm afraid the current 
constraints make almost impossible for a simple solution to be found.

> Why do I think this is an interesting idea? Because it significantly 
> simplifies working with the DOM.
I don't understand why it would simplify working with the DOM. You can 
replace innerSmartHTML with innerHTML and you have the current 
situation. I don't see the improvement in "developer ergonomics".



Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 10:03:42 UTC