RE: PSA: publishing FPWD of D3E Keyboard {key,code} Values specs and WD of UI Events

Anne van Kesteren said:
>That's good, but there's a ton of things that are unaddressed at the 
>moment. Event loop integration, hit testing, actual algorithms for 
>how the dispatch flow should work including whenever the canceled 
>flag of the event was not set at the end of it. There's ton of things the 
>specification is vague about.

I don't think the D3E outlook is as bleak as you make it sound. The event dispatch flow, handling of canceled flag, etc., is already spec'd in DOM4, and we're actively dropping the normative requirements for that stuff as part of Bug 25485 [D3E and corelation with DOM4(W3C)/DOM(WHATWAG) and DOM3 Core].

I've now filed Bug 25927 [Specify the Event Loop integration for various non-deprecated events, incl. hit testing].

Received on Friday, 30 May 2014 17:10:29 UTC