DOM L3 Events Tests

This is a little randomizing, so don’t let it distract from the current task of finishing the DOM L3 Events spec, but I did a bit of searching recently to find where the DOM Events tests are. This should be useful to us in the near future, I hope.


DOM Events tests in web-platform-tests:


o   Run the tests at (put “/DOMEvents” as the path)

§  Chrome: 39 pass, 6 fail, 1 timeout, 1 error

§  Firefox: 41 pass, 5 fail, 0 timeout, 1 error

§  IE: (IE has issues with the test runner- no meaningful results)

·        In flight pull requests related to DOM Events: As seen on Critic’s dashboard<>:

o   Move the Microsoft DOM Events tests into position:

o   Various Improvements to events tests:

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 22:39:40 UTC