RE: Elements array and query/queryAll methods

From: Rick Waldron <>

> This is nothing more than a whim, but would a Set subclass be more appropriate?

Possibly (although I don't think it would solve the "typed" problem at all; you'd just do `, notAnElement)`). It conceptually seems better.

However the ergonomics are pretty bad, and it's not what developers have been asking for (something jQuery-like). If sets had a *lot* more methods, it'd be more of a possibility. Also maybe if we were sure developers had embraced them.

(Side tangent: I am hopeful the ES7-proposed bind operator + libraries of `this`-using "itertools" functionality can prevent us from having to add tons of methods to every collection class, and thus make `Set` and so on more useful without having to wait for standards-body work. Just an idle dream though...)

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:05:37 UTC