onreload and oncheck events proposal


There is a need for two new event listeners as there seems to be a clear lack of ability to achieve certain types of functionality.

1.) oncheck event

On my website jabcreations.com I have replaced the default non-customizable browser version of checkboxes with my own. Unfortunately when writing JavaScript to check and uncheck certain features by reusing a form field (which is submitted via AJAX) I have not been able to determine any event will trigger when a checkbox input element's check is changed from true to false or vice-versa. I largely suspected that the onchange event would trigger though this is no true in current versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

If the onchange event's context does not reply then the oncheck event should apply when an input checkbox element is checked OR unchecked, there should be no reason to create excessive numbers of event when a web designer can simply check the ".checked" property of that checkbox input element in conjunction with.

2.) onreload event

Web 3.0 is now more than just a marketing gimmick where websites can retain their states like an application loading only the content relevant to the request. Unfortunately there is utterly no distinction between when a visitor reloads the page with the browser button or close a tab. A lot of spam sites will use the onunload event to trap people from leaving and is clearly a sign of a website being at least obnoxious if not outright treacherous.

The onreload event could be used to ONLY apply when a visitor is RELOADING a page unnecessarily and instead reload just the relevant content while not forcing web designers to use the onunload event which is for an entirely different context altogether.

A demonstration video of web 3.0; the usefulness of the onreload event becomes clear at seven and a half minutes the lack of onreload event becomes clear...

If the onreload event was available I could e.preventDefault(); and reroute the request. Resources utilized would HALVED as well as greatly reducing the time for the content to be reloaded. In addition to that it would reduce power consumption for servers and thus increase capacity. There is in effect absolutely no reason to not have the onreload event.

 - John A. Bilicki III

Received on Sunday, 18 August 2013 00:39:16 UTC