Re: [D3E] Gecko will start supporting KeyboardEvent.key from Firefox 23, but only for non-printable keys

On 2013/08/11 12:55, Ojan Vafai wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Masayuki Nakano <
> <>> wrote:
>     Basically, we don't define new DOM key name values except a few
>     numbered keys such as Fxx and LaunchApplicationxx. D3E spec allows
>     to name by browser venders, but I'd like to suggest that such keys
>     should be vender prefixed for compatibility between browsers in the
>     future. The key values are accessed with script. So, if they compare
>     it with a value, they can drop the vender prefix by the script. So,
>     it won't cause the problem like CSS's vender prefix. Then, web
>     developers don't believe any non-standard key names as standard
>     (spec'ed) key names.
> This seems to me that it shares many of the problems of CSS vendor
> prefixes. Web developers don't (and shouldn't need to!) keep track of
> browser release details. Most web developers will use it just the same
> whether it's MozPrintableKey or just PrintableKey and the only thing
> affecting whether it becomes something every browser needs to implement
> (and whether the feature can be changed) is the amount of web content
> that depends on it.

Hi, I have some objections:

1. "MozPrintableKey" is not prefixed "PrintableKey". .key values for 
printable key will be changed as text inputted by the key. However, the 
spec isn't enough yet. The spec will define the case with modifier key 
which don't cause text input actually. Then, Gecko will drop 

2. .key values are referenced only from JS in the real world. So, web 
developers can filter or unprefixing vender prefix of the key name 
easiliy. But this discussion doesn't make sense anymore, see below.

3. .key values which are defined by each browser vendor won't be allowed 
because original key names can cause inconpatibility between browsers 
(two or more browser venders may give different names for same key). So, 
when browser vendors need to define key name, they need to file a spec 
bug for adding the new key names to D3E spec, first.

Masayuki Nakano <>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Received on Monday, 12 August 2013 03:30:10 UTC