Re: [promise] writing detailed spec of ProgressPromise & implementing it

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Yusuke Suzuki <> wrote:
> We're planning to make ProgressPromise spec more detailed and implement it
> on Blink experimentally.
> ProgressPromise is planed to be used for some APIs, such as XMLHttpRequest /
> FileAPI.
> Please feel free to comment about this.

Mozilla has similar plans. Mostly for an <input type=file>-based
directory picker:

I'm planning on drafting something in
based on

interface ProgressPromiseResolver : PromiseResolver {
  void progress(optional any progressValue);

callback ProgressPromiseInit = void (ProgressPromiseResolver
resolver); // maybe reuse PromiseInit

[Constructor(ProgressPromiseInit init)]
interface ProgressPromise : Promise {
  // Returns the context object
  ProgressPromise progress(optional AnyCallback progressHandler);

The then()/catch() methods on all Promise objects would still return
an instance of Promise (not any subclass). Progress values would not

Does that match what you have in mind?


Received on Thursday, 8 August 2013 13:11:36 UTC