Re: [D4E] KeyboardEvent.code and KeyboardEvent.queryKeyCap() are very strange spec

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Wez <> wrote:

> The critical difference between "keyCode" and "code" is that the prevalent
> implementation of "keyCode" uses Windows virtual-key codes, which change
> for some keys depending upon layout. It's also implemented using other
> completely different schemes by some browsers. So normative documentation
> isn't really an option.

keyCode also has the following problems:

- The same keyCode is issued for different physical keys
- The same physical key emits different keyCode based on modifier keys
- The keyCode cannot be converted to a users locale/layout/flavor of
physical key cap

Received on Monday, 11 March 2013 20:24:30 UTC