"DOM4 Events" name (was: RE: ReSpec BiblioDB Entry for DOM Level 4 Events)

Branching thread and dropping public-pointer-events as the name of "DOM4 Events" is not relevant to that group.

>> It's published as an Editor's Draft by the Web Apps WG under the name "DOM 4 Events."
>> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/d4e/raw-file/tip/source_respec.htm
> Yes, and there's yet again complaints about the name. It would be helpful if you addressed the feedback you get, irrespective of the context where it is raised.

Happy to discuss the concerns. Just didn't want to hijack the conversation about how to get something added to Biblio.

I agree with your feedback that "DOM4 Events" may be confused with DOM4's events section. For my 2 cents, I'd like to see "DOM4" or "DOM Level 4" somehow stay in the title so that it's obvious that it comes after the definitions described in DOM3 Events. Perhaps "DOM4 User Interface Events"?

Art, Marcos:
> > If the specification has not been approved for publication by the Working Group, it should not use the ED template.
> I think it is OK for http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/d4e/raw-file/tip/source_respec.htm to use the W3C's ED template since it is within WebApps' scope (even though we all acknowledge there has been no CfC to publish a FPWD).
> > http://html5labs.interoperabilitybridges.com/dom4events/
> I agree the above should not use the W3C ED template.

Yes, I agree the above one is not correct. It's especially confusing now in the context of the latest ED published on w3.org. I'm looking into updating it. 

Received on Monday, 7 January 2013 18:48:23 UTC