Re: [dom] Need to describe the interaction of adoptNode with prototype chains

On 12/24/12 1:38 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> I don't really understand the web components angle, because I don't
> really understand the inner workings of web components.

The relevant web components issue is that they change what the prototype 
chain for some elements looks like, but on a per-document basis....  The 
question is what happens when such an element is then adopted into a 
different document.

> This was discussed a few times before, I believe Ian was holding out
> for a default

I'm not sure what that means, exactly.

> I hope that for the non-node scenario we can keep this relatively
> straightforward...

I have no hope of anything involving adoptNode being straightforward.  :(

> By the way, ES6 will define __proto__:

Good, good!


Received on Monday, 24 December 2012 09:48:51 UTC