Re: DOM Keyboard Event Level 3 questions about proposal

Glenn Maynard <> skreiv Mon, 08 Oct 2012 17:06:35 +0200

>  Not supporting physical layout information makes that web app less  
> portable, not more, since it's building a keyboard layout dependency  
> into the app.

Well, it cuts both ways. If you as an author tell me as a user agent what  
to do when the user presses "H", I can do that for you on some touch  
screen or remote control. If you on the other hand tell me what to do when  
the user presses the key that is 7th from the left and 4th from the top I  
can't necessarily promise to translate that to a potentially very  
different device.

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core tester, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 8 October 2012 15:42:36 UTC