[DOM3 Events] Timing issue of compositionupdate


I think D3E spec should define the timing of compositionupdate event 

On IE9, compositionupdate event is fired *after* editor content is 
modified actually.

On WebKit and Gecko, it's fired *before* editor content is modified.

That means there is a difference. That is, whether web app can access 
modified content by value of <input> or <textarea>, or innerHTML of 
editing host of a contenteditable element.

I think that most web application developers expect IE9's behavior 
because compositionupdate isn't cancelable and they may want to access 
the modified value.

For the compatibility between browsers, I'd like to suggest that D3E 
should define the timing. I recommend the IE9's behavior.

-- Masayuki Nakano <masayuki@d-toybox.com> Manager, 
Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 01:32:23 UTC