Re: [dom] Introduction to Events

Looks good, Anne. Few suggestions that I had:

"Objects on which events<> are dispatched<>"
I think "from" would be a better preposition than "on", as it fits better with "dispatched".

"It is passed as argument to event listener<>'s callback"
Are we planning to define/reference "callback"? This might not be immediately apparent to someone new to the language. At the least, it could be good to clarify as a callback function.

"Applications who wish to make use of this functionality through events<> dispatched<> by the application (synthetic events) can make use of the return value of the dispatchEvent()<> method. "
An example could be useful here.

On Feb 23, 2012, at 7:49 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Although I would have preferred not to do it myself as I'm not very good
at it, I attempted writing an introduction to the event chapter since
nobody else that offered to do it followed through. The first part has had
some review already and I would very much appreciate any enhancements
people can suggest that make the event model easier to understand for
people that are new to it.

(Next is writing the non-normative "domintro" boxes for the event-related
IDL blocks. Might do that on the plane.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 15:39:21 UTC