Re: Rename "DOM4 Events"

On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 21:17:44 +0100, Jacob Rossi  
<> wrote:

> I'm happy to entertain a different name. However, I have concerns with  
> "User Interface Events" since UIEvent is a particular interface out of  
> many included in the spec.

I don't understand why that is a problem. The HTML spec also has an  
element named "html" out of many included.

> If we were to scope this entirely to event constructors, we could name  
> it just that:  "DOM Event Constructors".

Most event constructors are defined elsewhere: DOM4, HTML, Progress  
Events, etc.

> But I have a feeling this spec could become a nice place for event  
> additions that are beyond the scope of DOM4 (e.g. extensions to DOM3  
> Event interfaces, new interfaces, e.g.).

Personally I think it would be "nice" if the event definitions were  
removed from DOM3 Events and moved into this spec, so that the event  
definition and its constructor are at the same place, just like the other  

> If I understand Anne's concern, it's that folks will be diverted to  
> "DOM4 Events" for the general event model despite that being in DOM3  
> Events and DOM4.  Perhaps we can combat that with a very obvious section  
> at the top of the spec pointing to DOM4/D3E as the foundation upon which  
> this spec extends?

People generally don't read sections at the top of specs. I think we  
shouldn't try to work around the problem, but instead just fix it.

On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 01:39:48 +0100, Ian Hickson <> wrote:

> FWIW, the term I've historically used for the hypothetical spec that
> defines key events, mouse events, and the like, is "User Interaction
> Events". (There's still some references to the term in the HTML spec.)
> Would that be a workable name?

Works for me.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 07:49:55 UTC