Re: [DOM4] Mutation algorithm imposed order on document children

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Elliott Sprehn <> wrote:
> So it seems the one element, one doctype rule is already pretty well
> enforced.

And why do we not want to enforce ordering? I'm not entirely sure what
the goal is here.

> I'd like to change the spec so that instead of requiring a specific
> ordering, it requires that the serialization of the document (for example
> through XMLSerializer) always reflects the current document state, even if
> you removed the doctype node entirely. That ensures that serializing a live
> document gets you something that would render the same a second time.

So HTML documents would always get the same doctype in standards mode,
the same doctype in almost standards mode, and the same doctype (or
maybe lack of) in quirks mode? Would that only happen if the doctype
was meddled with? What about XML documents? What is the processing
model going to be?

Anne — Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 09:50:29 UTC