Re: setAttributeNS(): should it change the namespace prefix?

On Nov 30, 2011, at 00:24 , Jonas Sicking wrote:
> This is somewhat off-topic, but I'm actually hoping that we can get rid of namespaced attributes. They create a lot of silly performance issues (even if you never ever use namespaced attributes or setAttributeNS/getAttributeNS) and implementation complexity. Not to mention that people very often misunderstand how they work and think that prefix-less attributes belong to the same namespace as the owner element or use the default (prefixless-xmlns declared) namespace.

Given that the stack has resolutely moved in the namespace-less direction, I think that would be the logical move forward. They should be kept for XMLDocument where they are still likely to be needed, but can be dropped entirely elsewhere. Applying some decent rules based on just using names should cater to cases like xlink:href.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2011 11:04:20 UTC