Re: Simplifying element creation

* Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
>Yeah, template element will be super useful for my use case though it
>doesn't address all edge cases because I have to tweak the DOM depending on
>the dataset I get.

Sure, from there on you go to either inventing some template language
extensions to deal with most of the use cases for that, or just allow
to embed "native" code directly, while the more static use cases will
look for proper direct data binding so you just have to update on the
data layer and the presentation layer will update automatically, and
so on and so forth really, nothing new here, many communities did go
through this process already.

Personally, my use cases would mostly revolve around "make stuff that
works", meaning I would not use Element.create because at first it'll
break in old browsers and be buggy in new browsers, and in the longer
run it will poorly integrate with the libraries I am using to avoid
the perpetual "inconsistent support, bugs everywhere" problem, or the
"JavaScript is a horrible language" problem. But victims of too much
browser core radiation find this a crowd-pleaser, so what do I know.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 00:28:42 UTC