Re: [DOM4]: Element.create

On 2/10/11 11:00 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> I see some specific problems with both the Element.create and 
> JSON.toNode proposals, but in general I think that blessing one JSON 
> representation of the DOM over all others is a bad idea.
> Also, it is fairly trivial to roll your own solution (or three) so I 
> imagine this feature won't ever be a high priority item.
> Here's a (non-robust) solution off the top of my head. I'm sure you 
> have an alternative approach that works better for you. This merely 
> highlights that this sort of syntax sugar shouldn't be in the DOM core.

Oops, this is probably not a great example because it's pretty much the 
same as the Element.create() proposal (plus a Fragment.create function). 
But it does illustrate how trivial it is. Plus, because it isn't a 
native function it would be simple to add in other options, like setting 
properties instead of attributes, adding event listeners, etc. Obviously 
you wouldn't get that flexibility with a standard Element.create(), and 
if you wanted those options Element.create() wouldn't make it any simpler.

> var $ = { // WARN this API is for demo purposes only
> F: function(nodes) { // create a document Fragment and append nodes 
> (which is an array)
>     var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
>     nodes.forEach(function(node) {
>         if (typeof node === "string") node = 
> document.createTextNode(node);
>         frag.appendChild(node);
>     });
>     return frag;
> },
> E: function(tagName, attrs, nodes) { // create an Element with attrs 
> and child nodes (if present)
>     var el = document.createElement(tagName);
>     if (attrs) for (var name in attrs) el.setAttribute(name, 
> attrs[name]);
>     if (nodes) el.appendChild(this.F(nodes));
>     return el;
> }
> }
> An example of usage:
> To create '<div class="greeting">Hello <b 
> class="target">World</b>!</div> ' and retain references to the <div> 
> and <b> elements:
> var greeting, target, frag = $.F([
>     greeting = $.E("div", {"class": "greeting"}, [
>         "Hello ",
>         target = $.E("b", {"class": "target"}, [
>             "World"
>         ]),
>         "!"
>     ])
> ]);
> greeting.onclick = function() { alert("Hi"); }
> target.onclick = function() { alert("I am the World"); }

Received on Monday, 3 October 2011 11:33:08 UTC