Re: [DOM4]: Element.create

On 10/1/11 6:48 AM, Sean Hogan wrote:
> On 1/10/11 12:15 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:
>> They would still include their existing code path, but use the new 
>> method in the polyfill school of programming.
>> Having tried to push this Element.create concept for awhile, I've 
>> change my approach: I'd prefer to overload the JSON object.
> You'd have to talk to the Ecmascript designers about the JSON object.

Yeah, I suppose this would violate the DOM boundary setup for Web 
Workers as well.

I'm having a difficult time of this.

The concept has been illustrated in an SVG proposal for some time:

That proposal only examines possible uses on SVGElement.
SVG documents use attributes quite a bit, where HTML more often uses CSS.

>> var myDiv = JSON.toNode({div: 'Hello World'});
>> myDiv.outerHTML == '<div>Hello World</div>';
> what would the following result in?
>     var myFrag1 = JSON.toNode({b: "Hello", i: "World"});
>     var myFrag2 = JSON.toNode({b: "Hello", b: "World"});
myFrag1.outerHTML == '<b>Hello</b><i>World</i>'; // could be <i> then 
<b> as well.
myFrag2.outerHTML == '<b>World</b>';

> how would I create equivalents of the following?
> <div>Hello <b>World</b>!</div>

{div: ['Hello', {b: 'World'}, '!']};

> <div class="greeting">Hello <b class="target">World</b>!</div>

JSON.toNode({div: ['Hello', {b: 'World'}, '!']}).className = 'greeting';

No quick route to b class = "target".

This is just the usual DOM work:

var greeting = JSON.toNode({div: ['Hello', '!']});
greeting.className = 'greeting';
var target = JSON.toNode({b: 'World'});
target.className = 'target';


The purpose of this work is to do less string manipulation in JS.

Consider these two methods:
JSON.toNode({div: [start, {b: middle}, end]}).className = myGreeting;
parent.innerHTML = ['<div class="',myGreeting, '">', start, 

Node is a bit of a misnomer if attributes and class names are involved,
as those are part of Element.

This is just an alternative idea for attaching the Element.create method 
we've been discussing.


Received on Saturday, 1 October 2011 20:54:31 UTC