[DOM3 Events] "Super" and "Hyper" keys on Linux


On Linux, there are two modifier key types such as "Super" and "Hyper". 
"Super" is mapped to Windows key on Ubuntu and Fedora. I'm not sure 
about "Hyper".

They are different from "Meta" which is defined as another key on Linux.

Therefore, I think that DOM3 spec also defines "Super" and "Hyper" key 
in the list.

However, "Super" may not be needed because WebKit maps same keycode as 
"Win" key on Windows to it. But I'm not sure whether this is correct. If 
some Linux distributions or other UNIX vendors map the Win key to "Meta" 
or "Hyper", the "Win" key detection on web application will miss.

I'm not sure which is correct. But I think that the spec should make 
mention of these issues at least.

Furthermore, there are no properties for their keys in KeyboardEvent 
like altKey and metaKey. I guess that these properties are defined for 
backward compatibility, however, it seems that they're more useful than 
getModifierState() due to they are simpler than it.

Masayuki Nakano <masayuki@d-toybox.com>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2011 04:49:15 UTC