Re: [DOM3Events] keydown/keyup asymmetry for held keys (key repeating)

Hi, Boris-

Boris Zbarsky wrote (on 6/22/11 4:03 PM):
> On 6/22/11 4:00 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:
>> Adding keypress events to non-character-producing keys (in order to
>> capture those repetitions) may be more likely to cause disruptions to
>> existing web content, which may not expect keypress for those
> Given that Gecko fires keypress for those, this seems somewhat unlikely.

Yeah, I agree.  I was just thinking out loud.

Like I said, either model works for me.  However, it would be nice to 
see a real-world example where code is expecting symmetry between 
keydown and keyup, of that's the basis for changing the spec (and, 
apparently, at least some implementations).

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, WebApps, Web Events, and Audio WGs

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 20:09:02 UTC